September 22, 2011
This family, is absolutely precious to me. Kris and Mike…I met them about 10 years ago, we invited them over to dinner and I showed her my massive wedding book. Yes, first time meeting them and I’m like here look at my wedding book. Pretty cool of me. ;p But then, we got invited to their wedding and from there became Friday night date nights with K and M. Kris can make me laugh till tears stream down my face…and then when she’s with her hubby…its non stop laughter. They are extremely witty and charming people to be around. But not only are they our family’s close friends because of their happiness…but they are there for us through the hard moments. The challenging and difficult moments of life. They dig in and help no questions asked, no judgements made…just simply beautiful to me because of there value on life and their value on friendship.
Oh, but to talk about their babies…Hayley and Piper. I just smile and want to squeeze them every time I see them. Beautiful and sweet Hayley…love her sense of humor and her charming and sweet personality. My kiddos ADORE her. Piper, she just makes me laugh. Her big toothless grin, her eyes that completely sparkle when Kris looks at her. Or her laugh when Mike throws her up in the air…
So to say this session was special to me, that this family is really just an extension from mine…ah, doesn’t quite describe how much I love them. Enjoy just a few pics from that sweet morning…