June 7, 2012
Oh my goodness…this place was a necessary break for me from the Colorado Springs mountains. Did I just say that?! I know you think I’m crazy…love my locations here in the springs. BUT this place reminded me of the ocean…waves, humid air, crazy wind and sand. Love love. Anyway, I so enjoyed this family session. I met up with Holly, with Holly Strebel Photography for her family photos. Its always hard being the photographer and capturing you in your own family photos. ;p Loved her sweet personality and her gorgeous family. Sawyer and Charlotte…I am completely smitten with them. Sawyer….all boy with a need to explore. And Charlotte…busy trying to catch up with him. Jeff and Holly loving on their babies and totally at ease with me making them get in the water…I know…I just thought…why not. ;p Enjoy a few pics from that late afternoon!