October 30, 2019
Breckenridge Engagement Photos | Erin and Mike
The drive up to Breckenridge was beautiful. I was worried that we were actually going to be there too soon for fall to be on display. We drove around and found the perfect grove of Aspens that just teased us with the hint of fall that was to come. Can I be real with you guys here? Fall is hard to get right in Colorado. You seriously get SUCH a small window. If you can’t swing a weekday you’ll also get bombarded with 100 million others wanting to take in the fall colors in the mountains by going on a weekend. So I always suggest weekdays for my clients that really want fall. We had maybe one or two other cars and fall hunters to work around. I highly recommend it.
Erin and Mike, seriously a fun couple. They could not be any more easy going and quick to laugh. For me that is the best as it really showcases how comfortable these two are with each other but with me also. And lets be real, I want your engagement photos to be fun. We ended up getting a mini rain shower half way through their engagement session. In typical Colorado fashion the sun was also shining…makes for such pretty photos!
I can not wait for their beautiful wedding next summer! If you are just now following my work, you can also find me on my facebook page:
Elizabeth Ann Photography
or on my instagram
To Mike and Erin, thank you so much for trusting me with your engagement photos in Breckenridge! You guys are a dream to work with and Mike, THANK you for the delicious pumpkin beer! The hubs and I loved it!
Here are a few of my favorites from their beautiful Breckenridge Engagement session!