February 17, 2010
Miss Hayley…I’m crazy about this little girl. She makes me smile, laugh and my heart just squeezes a little when I see her. She is just sweet. Today, was fun…she was in a very funny mood. Talked on the pretend phone to her uncle Tim, dad, Matt and her Mom…sang songs to Disney princesses, danced with Hudson, played peek a boo with me and my camera…just a really good day for me to spend with her. I can’t wait to see who she becomes someday…because right now, she’s just beautiful…
betsy! forget all the times I’ve said this before, but this IS your best shoot! the one of her sitting on the floor holding her blanket is one of your all time best shots…the coloring is amazing! great job!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Did you see all the comments on the picture on facebook!? Let’s get this thing going and you will be famous!! These of Hayley are so precious. You blow me away.
I Looooooooooooove the one of just her pigtails and her hands…reminds me of when I used to put piggies in my own girls hair not too long ago!! You are so talented! Great shots!! Do my kids next!!
I Looooooooooooove the one of just her pigtails and her hands…reminds me of when I used to put piggies in my own girls hair not too long ago!! You are so talented! Great shots!! Do my kids next!!
YES! I was thinking if you came here I would love to do some with you guys! So, that means you need to come here…:)
I really love these shots. The emotion is really great and they are pics that will probably bring tears when they are older…. great job editing- especially the one with Jon and Kenz. The eyes are awesome!
I really like the pics. My only suggestion is that the name not be so large. It takes a bit away from the photograph itself, and I don’t want to buy pics where I see the name overpower my child. Maybe something smaller on the very bottom of the pic, so you get credit, but not such large print. I am guessing this may just be put on the website like this so no one steals your work and plagarizes it, but if not, I just thought I would throw it in. lol Beautiful work.
I couldn’t agree with you more. My name only goes on my website…for the exact reason you put. The photo shoot is for you and your family…so my name is only on a business card that comes with your CD.
I appreciate your comments!