February 2, 2010
Well, it just so happens that I live in a state, (Colorado), thats beautiful. Mountains, my husband and I love them. We love to hike around on them, gaze at them (we have a pretty awesome view from our house) or in my husbands case, he wants to hike all 14 of them in Colorado. Crazy but cool. This summer I’m excited because my kids will finally be old enough to take camping to enjoy these beautiful mountians. So here are a few pics of places I love…some of them were taken in Denver (guess which one and the one with the beautiful tree, taken in Ramah, CO. Enjoy to view other beautiful places that others have seen click on :

Those are heavenly places-thanks for sharing in I Heart Faces
the first and the last are my absolute favorites! love them!
I love, love the one w/ the snow. I also like the first one w/ the little guy. Great shots!
Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing!
Wow…amazing photos of beautiful places. I continue to be in awe of your photographs (and editing skills!!!)
Errrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WOW those are some fab shots. You make me wat to jump on a plane right now!
I would print off the last one and hang it in my hip urban loft….if I owned a hip urban loft. It’s really cool bets!