Such a beautiful family.  I’ve known them for a few years and each time I am always thankful for their session.  They bring sweetness, happiness and their colors are always so beautiful in their choices they make for clothing.  A photographers dream.  I simply love contrast and different colors layered through out each of the […]

I was walking on a worn path the other day.  It was unusually warm for December but  the wind had made me pause to wrap my coat tighter around myself.  I just stopped…stood there and admired my surroundings.  It was a failed attempt on my part to find another location for my clients.  I stood […]

I love this family.  Every year they invite me into their home to capture how their family celebrates Christmas.  To photograph their beautiful tree and their beautiful babies.  Its crazy how fast I see my own kids growing but only seeing them 2 to 3 times a year I’m always blown away everytime.  Grace, her […]

5…its a simple number.  And I sit here thinking about it and it makes my heart squeeze.  5 years ago my baby boy was almost here.  Yup, I was very pregnant and very excited to meet this guy.  The years slipped by… I kissed his scraped knees, read books a million times over, watched him […]

We are a family…okay, so that song is running through my head as I work on this blog post.  This session came at a great time for me.  I had just come home the night before after spending a fabulous week with my own family from AZ.  Every family has its one way of working…of […]


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