Justin and Whitney | Colorado Springs Wedding Photographer

August 22, 2013

What a beautiful, emotional and elegant wedding.  The thought was to have a backyard/picnic style wedding.  And the atmosphere and the company certainly lent itself to that…but the details…oh the details in this wedding were off the charts extraordinary.   The ceremony site, where Justin and Whitney shared their beautiful personal vows was breathtaking.  Justin and Whitney stood on boulders with their wedding party and  the picturesque mountains behind them.    Their guests sat on hay bales with blankets and were given popcorn and bottles of water.  The aisles were made with wood chips…and these were LONG aisles.  Jen and I met Whitney’s dad at about 6:30 that morning while he was helping to set up everything…favorite thing about him….he absolutely, with out a doubt loves his daughter (well, his whole family) but you could particularly see that Whitney and her Dad have a beautiful relationship.

From the ceremony site, Jen and I went to the garage turned reception site…and when I say garage I mean a shop that could hold up to 3 semis.  🙂  And there was not a spot  that did not have Whitney’s personal touches through out.  In the far corner were the wedding dresses worn by her Mom, Grandma and great Grandma and Aunts.  Each with a personal note or a copy of the marriage license and date of when the marriage took place…surrounded by various antiques.   Against the walls were mirrors, threaded from the ceiling tumbleweed was hanging…unique and made it seem whimsical and beautiful.  Dividing this building was a HUGE curtain of stripped fabric that was found at various good wills.  For a gift for the guests, glasses that have been stacked oh so beautifully, and none of them matched…LOVED that.  Each unique to itself.  The guests sign in was at the back of an old vintage truck, with flowers bursting out of gas cans and eclectic vases.  An old mail box was turned into a card holder…outside, shading was made by making beautiful canopy’s of stripped fabric again from Good will.  Gorgeous just gorgeous…And sunflower creative did an absolute amazing job at capturing Whitney’s vision for this beautiful day.  Everywhere they could, there were vases, baskets, antique cookie boxes and gas cans filled with beautiful and whimsical flowers.  And while the details might have taken my breath away, what made this an absolute memorable wedding for me was this beautiful family.  Hugs and tears freely flowed through out the day.  Whitney and her Mom having their special moment as she put her dress on…the absolute love in her expression for her daughter…ah, beautiful to me.  The teasing of her brother at any moment possible.  The adoration from their grandparents…it was simply a day that love was expressed not so much with words but with so many little actions.   Thank you so much for having Jen and I be part of such a wonderful day!  Congrats again Whitney and Justin it was simply an honor to photograph your beautiful wedding.

2nd Photographer – kreatid – Jen Driesbach – love you and its simply one of my favorite things to do with you.  I feel blessed to call you friend and sister.

Floral Work – Sunflower Creative – AMAZING work Cheryl!!!



  1. Cheryl Wilhelmi says:

    Love love love them all! You are fantastic!

  2. Whitney Brass Bowyer says:

    ahhhhhhhh I fall in love more and more every time I see them! You captured EVERYTHING! I could literally sit and look at these ALL DAY LONG! thanks a MILLION!

  3. jen says:

    YOU are AMAZING and I am SO luck to call you sister and friend! WHAT talent you have and Whitney/Diane, WHAT creativity and beauty you are blessed with! SO thankful to have gotten to be a small part of this beautiful day! 🙂

  4. Bernice Sanchez Benabe says:


  5. Marilyn Barton Oliver says:

    Watching it all come together after weeks of preparation…..Stunning…Fun….Grateful …Family. Are just a few words that come to mind. And you captured it all and more WELL DONE!

  6. Dianne Barton Brass says:

    I just sit here in awe and look over these pictures again and again again….I just feel like I am enjoying my girls wedding day each time. Thank you doesn’t even begin to show the gratitude we have for capturing Whitney and Justin’s Day so Perfectly!

  7. Bernice Benabe says:

    Just amazingly beautiful…

  8. Lorie Erickson Speegle says:

    Oh, those are wonderful pictures. It was a beautiful wedding for beautiful people planned by beautiful people! How I miss you all!

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