Debbie and Dillon | Colorado Engagement | Denver Wedding Photographer

January 11, 2016

ohhhh, it was a cold day in Colorado yesterday.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen my fingers work that slow.  Haha…SO worth it.  I loved hiking around with Debbie and Dillon and getting to know them a little better.  I couldn’t believe that they met in Spain randomly.  Both of them traveling abroad with their schools.  They exchanged numbers at the end and realized they had the same area code.  How crazy cool is that?!  I mean obviously fate wants them together.  I love their story and can not wait to photograph their sweet wedding in September.  Here is a little preview of what we were up to yesterday.

To see more head on over to my facebook page!

 Elizabeth Ann Photography



  1. Beautiful! They look like they had so much fun!

  2. Chelsea Spika says:

    So so so so so good!!!

  3. Keziah Kelsey says:

    that first image, it’s a heartbreak and a sucked in breath at the same time. I adore it.

  4. Jamie Kraus says:

    Oh, I love that last one! Jumping photos can be so cheesy but this one is so fun!

  5. LOVE! These are so gorgeous and so fun!

  6. Absolutely magical session!! Those “frozen fingers” sessions are sometimes the best sessions of the year — totally worth it! Congratulations to these guys — they are adorable!

  7. Danielle Bond says:

    That scenery! Stunning images!

  8. Ashlee Weaver says:

    My favorite photos I’ve seen all week! Seriously stunning!

  9. Melissa Mullins says:

    These are so much fun!

  10. Kim Rodgers says:

    Heehee!! How fun is that last one?!?!? Amazing, as always, you lovely lady.

  11. Holy moly. Hollllllyyy molllleeeyyyyy. Elizabeth this session is incredible.

  12. Brittany Slaughter says:

    i freaking love this session! the light is amazing and they dont even look like they froze 😉

  13. Rachel Raynes says:

    These are crazy beautiful!!! Can’t wait to see images from their wedding!

  14. Sunshine Lump says:

    AMAZING!!! everything about this post is perfect!

  15. Rayna says:

    Beautiful images! I think I love your winter photos as much as I love your summer photos!

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