January 23, 2022
Colorado Engagement Photos | The season of 2021 of engagement photos
Oh my gosh…I didn’t realize how busy I was last year till I tried to put together a blog post of all my engagement sessions. SO many beautiful memories and fun times shared with incredible couples. I loved that we got to explore all over Colorado for unique engagement photos for my clients. Not only that, I was able to get a sense of each of my clients style, energy and level of shyness or if they were outgoing etc. It can be quite nerve wracking to have a camera in front of you. I admit, I’m better at taking photos than being in them…so I get it. I try and get in front of the camera at least once a year to challenge my confidence level lol.
Part of being a wedding photographer is learning how to read your clients. I feel like its my job to put my clients at ease for their engagement session. All while paying attention to light and the surroundings in front and behind them and to the side. Its a fast paced thing sometimes. If I see epic light most likely I’ll stop mid sentence and make sure we capitalize on it. Its a win win for me…I get to see how fast I can move you and we get to have that gorgeous light. In my description on my instagram profile and my website I talk about chasing light. If you’re my client, you know first hand I mean it literally sometimes. Haha…I like to think its part of my charm. I love how much I’ve learned through friendships started in my clients as well. Each session I’ve had is unique to them. I love that. I love getting to be part of so many new moments in the wedding season for them. Its also an amazing way to build up a connection before their wedding.
So, I say, 2022, don’t hesitate, book that engagement session. Get to know your photographer AND you’ll get gorgeous photos to put on your wall or in an album. I often see my couples having a sign in album for guests with their engagement photos. Its a fun way to look back through your photos and see your friends and family write words of advice or congrats in a tangle way.
So 2021, it was an amazing year. I know I have several sweet 2022 sessions scheduled for engagements in the next few months and I can’t wait to get back at it again. Absolutely loved going through the season of traveling through out Colorado. We went to the sand dunes, mountains, creeks, forests, the paint mines and in the city! Absolutely can’t wait to share a few of my favorites.
If you are just now following my work, you can also find me on my facebook
or on my instagram
Thank you thank you to my incredible couples for supporting my business and trusting me with your engagement photos and wedding photos! Many of you had your weddings as well last year and several we get to celebrate this summer. Absolutely love that I get to kind of job!