So, I’ve lived in Colorado for about 9 years…and I admit there are some places that I just always go to.  But today…I went out and enjoyed some new scenery with one of my closest friends.  I love old buildings, brick walls, lamp posts that could have been out of an old black and white movie…come […]

okay, so today…yes today, my picture I entered in a Pioneer Woman photography contest, was selected as a group winner.  To say, I’m shocked and happy would be an understatement…seriously, I’m happy.  If you haven’t heard of Pioneer Woman than here is a link…she does everything…cooking, photography, mommy…crazy talented woman.  Go check her out! […]

So this weeks challenge over at I Heart Faces…a dramatic black and white photo…does the picture make you stop and think, are you  drawn in to the world of the photograph, do wonder what they are thinking about in the picture, do you wonder what in the world was the photographer thinking….oh the challenge of […]

Okay, so its not really old world…but the buildings remind me of yesterday.  The horse drawn carriages, dusty roads, old fancy dresses…well, you get the idea…vintage.  Its something that as of late is found in my editing.  I love adding a little texture here, a little there…its fun and I think very timeless…Enjoy some of […]

Its official…after a hard week of designing, organizing…picture selecting…thoughts…sigh…the fun stuff, I have a website,  But, none of this could  have been possible…maybe after a year I could have figured out most of it…but I could not have done it with out the crazy, wicked talented photography/design master mind of Kreatid.  And please note […]


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