Today, my sweet little girl Mackenzie, turned 4!  I wanted this post to be about her…how much I love her and what she means to me.  She’s sweet, funny, creative and she’s mine.  Loves to run around and get dirty while wearing a very pretty dress with dress shoes on.  I think she likes both […]

Spring, flowers, rain or snow in most cases here in Colorado…I love it.  Not the snow part…yuk, thats just annoying.  But this time of year, I just want to get in my garden and do what I LOVE to do…and thats to garden.  I like getting my hands dirty, surveying the perennials that are coming […]

So, move over Canon…here comes a new Nikon user.  Yes, I’m switching over to Nikon…and I love it.  My amazing photographer sister Jen and my brother Josh hooked me up with a sweet Nikon D40 and beautiful prime lense that has a 1.8 F stop!  I get chills…for all of you that are non photographers…it […]

Charlie…hmm, what can I say about him? Charlie is 8 months, very close to 9 months…and he’s quite the active little guy!  Always moving, exploring, busy hands and busy feet.   Oh and he laughs…not the little tiny laughs but a big bust a gut laugh.  I honestly was laughing A LOT through out this shoot…and I […]

Exploring…grubby…little….excitement….a few things that I love about this picture.  It reminds me of some magical story that has little elves and fairies.  I think its the moss and the innocence of my little girls hands that made me think of that.  The time spent that day…priceless.  A beautiful little hike that I went on with my hubby […]


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