Nikon….sigh…I’m in heaven…

March 3, 2010

So, move over Canon…here comes a new Nikon user.  Yes, I’m switching over to Nikon…and I love it.  My amazing photographer sister Jen and my brother Josh hooked me up with a sweet Nikon D40 and beautiful prime lense that has a 1.8 F stop!  I get chills…for all of you that are non photographers…it means AMAZING photos. This blog post today is  to #1 tell the world that I am in love with Nikon but in particular my family…its the backbone of who I am…the way I think, the way I love and the way I live.  I am blessed with a wonderful family in Arizona and Colorado.  My parents, oh my parents…they are my number one fans in life…its true.  They love me, cheer for me…dream with me, help me and sometimes when necessary tell me to snap out of it and I love them dearly for it. I also have 2 older sisters, they support me, tease me, love me and are my friends whom I have always looked up to and admired and a younger brother that I ABSOLUTELY love to pieces, in case your wondering I ABSOLUTELY love my sisters too!    When I got married in 2001, to my amazing super hot husband…he’s so going to be embarressed by this, I also married into an amazing wonderful family.  Strength, character, love, determination…a few characteristics that describe Jon’s parents, sister and younger brother.  Love you sooooo sooo much…
Okay, this blog is so about Nikon…and you see I get a bit sidetracked when I think of Nikon now…because everytime I shoot with a Nikon it will remind me of the love, oh the family love, that is allowing me to do what I love to do…Photography.  Its me…it brings me joy, it brings out my creative side…and I just love it.  So this blog is a tribute to you Nikon but also to my family.  I love you all…and am so thankful for all you have done for me and my fam these past few years…
Oh, and here is my first pic with a Nikon…



  1. jen says:

    you make tears come to my eyes…SO proud of you and amazed at the fruit of your passion…WICKED talented and can’t wait to see more of what you produce cuz’ it’s AWESOME! love you 🙂

  2. janet says:

    Feelin’ the love! So glad you have your own camera now…and as Jen said, it will be fun to see what you see through its lens as you get used to it.

  3. Tezzie says:

    wonderful post! And fabulous “first” picture…perhaps I’ll have to give Nikon some thought for the future 😀

  4. I look up to you too!…you have such an incredible talent and it will be neat to see all the cool pictures you create! Love you to pieces. You’re awesome.

  5. Margaret says:

    The pic is adorable! Following back from FF! Have a great weekend!

  6. Lady V dZine says:

    Stopping by from FF, I’m following you now.

  7. Darcy says:

    Stopping by from FF. Adorable Pic!!!

  8. Sarah says:

    Hi, found your great blog through Friday Follow. Now following!

  9. Stopping by from Friday Follow! What a beautiful photo!!

  10. Hello,

    I am glad I found your blog through Friday Follow. (Even tho it’s Sat.) Great pics! I am your newest follower and hope you can stop by Moms Own Words soon!


  11. Congratulations on switching over to Nikon 🙂 I am an Olympus user and love it!

    Found your blog from Friday Follow!

  12. I just found the answer to my question! Don’t you love Nikon? I shoot a D5000, and I reeeeally want a new lense. What mm lense is this shot with?

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