Warren, a little shy with me in the beginning.  But once he realized I was all about play…okay, so I might have snapped a few photos playing the classic peek a boo…but it worked.  His little eyes would just sparkle and his smile.  Loved him…and the curious and fun boy he is.  Enjoy a few […]

Soft morning light…so beautiful.  Light is something I particularly look for in my sessions.  I am always paying attention to how it looks on my clients.  And its usually the first thing that I set up as far as timing for each client.  And for this sweet family, I really felt it created that sweet […]

Sense of adventure…yes, you could say that was the overall feeling for me on this wedding.  Traveling across the country, and then knowing that a very HUGE hurricane was going to be hitting during this beautiful event…made for some interesting moments.  I remember driving into the city with my sister in law Tami and being amazed […]

I sat and just gazed at Garden of the Gods…I had a few moments before this family would show up for their session.  Seriously, made me smile and think how blessed I am as a photographer.  Love being able to capture beautiful moments, laughter and tears (happiness most of the time).  But I also feel blessed […]


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