Best of 2016 Weddings | Elizabeth Ann Photography | Denver Wedding Photographer

January 8, 2017

Okay, so the title is deceiving.   How can I possibly pick a favorite from each wedding?  How can I narrow down a day that is filled with the up most care from my clients on beautiful details?  Or how can I choose a moment?  Or OMG all the sunsets I’ve spent with countless couples this year?  How on earth do I choose a favorite?  And the fact is I didn’t.  I chose images that I love and sadly wanted to post ALL of my pictures…but that would be in the thousands and I just didn’t think my computer could handle that much pretty.  😉

 Every client that steps in front of my lens becomes my whole everything for the day.  We share many months of planning, walk throughs if possible, phone dates, coffee dates, or shoot even wine dates.   I get to know my clients through email, facebook, instagram or even things that they are drawn towards on pinterest.  I am emotionally invested in all of my clients…so their day simply becomes incredibly special to me.  I hold my breath and get nervous if weather is predicting crazy.  I’m two seconds away from going to Target and grabbing 20 umbrellas if thats the case and I’ll rock that rain like it was planned.  😉 I know what my couples hope for and dream for and every time I work to give them back something tangible and emotional that represents their beautiful wedding.

This past year has been an incredible year for me.   I’ve photographed cold snowy weddings.  I’m talking 5 degrees…its not easy to photograph in that temp as my fingers start moving slower.   My lens starts clicking at a slower pace too but its always incredible to see the snowy Colorado mountains with my sweet clients…worth it every time.   One of my favorite weddings this year had rain ALL the way up to the ceremony and the sun broke out and created the most amazing light I’ve ever photographed in my career.  Lets just say I kind of hope for rain and sun on my clients wedding day now.  If only it could be timed perfectly every time.  Winter, spring, summer and fall…my clients have kept me busy chasing this sweet career of mine.  And I absolutely adored every minute of it.  I’ve met incredible vendors that work and dream just as much as I do.  I’ve seen so many vendors pull together and create the most beautiful weddings for their clients.  A wedding is made up of so many hands.  The photos, they make my job what it is.    They help create the magic.  And if you ever need a name or a certain vendor I have many that I would recommend.

So I’m calling this a highlight of 2016…images that I chose that reflect what type of photographer I am as well as images that simply make me smile or because the light was freaking amazing.  Or it could be I remember why my client is laughing or smiling at his/her love.  All of the above.  Happy Sunday friends.  I simply can not wait to see what 2017 Weddings will bring.   Thank you to my sweet clients of 2016…your beautiful weddings, sweet engagements, words of encouragement and unbelievable support have been absolutely priceless.




  1. shanna says:

    Wow, these are absolutely beautiful!!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Wow…you had such a beautiful year. Can’t wait to see what you do in 2017.

  3. Linnie says:

    All of these photos are stunning. That GIANT peony is perfection.

  4. Kourtney says:

    Everything about these is stunning; the settings, the wardrobes, the PEOPLE, the special moments you captured – so beautiful!

  5. Victoria Schneider says:

    What a beautiful year! you have got some serious talent! Cheers to more beautiful work in 2017. Really loved everything about this.
    Victoria Schneider

  6. Courtney says:

    You are so amazing at what you do!! Your photos are so beautiful!

  7. Looks like 2016 was a great year. Beautiful images. 🙂

  8. Stefani says:

    What a beautiful collection of images. Looks like 2016 was a fantastic year!

  9. Kim Jundt says:

    You have such a beautiful way of writing! You are my hero!!! 🙂 These pictures are timeless and romantic

  10. Valerie says:

    Omg your photos are absolutely stunning! Lighting and editing is on point and you captured some great candid moments too. Great job!

  11. Jaymie says:

    Wow your work is insanely beautiful!!

  12. Valerie says:

    These are all so beautiful! You did an amazing job!

  13. It looks like you had a beautiful year friend. You have some amazing skills! Cheers to a successful year ahead!

  14. Christy says:

    Such beautiful images!!!

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