Estes Park Weddings in the winter…completely takes my breath away.  Of course there is the what if it snows 4 feet on the day of the wedding fear but for Erin and Stith it was actually in the 40’s.   Crazy perfect weather.  Blue skies and a little windy but that is to be expected […]

Okay, so the title is deceiving.   How can I possibly pick a favorite from each wedding?  How can I narrow down a day that is filled with the up most care from my clients on beautiful details?  Or how can I choose a moment?  Or OMG all the sunsets I’ve spent with countless couples […]

So many thoughts to share on this sweet wedding…its hard to know where to begin.  Jenny and I have become friends through out the year.  In fact, you could say Jenny and Dave remind me of me and my hubs.  The manly man guy (yes, he’s a ranger so I get to say that) with […]

Ohhh, I love that my sister with Kreatid Photography has a wedding business in Arizona.  And that I get to be her second every once and while.    It allows me to travel and get to see my family at the same time.  Both things I love tremendously.  Not only that, Arizona is simply gorgeous! […]

I so love getting to play the role of 2nd shooter.  WAIT…what did I just say?!  Haha…don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore being the lead photographer for my business.  But getting to play more of an observer roll especially on a wedding day is pretty amazing.  Add in that I get to watch my […]


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